We help investors with identifying, procuring, renting and managing investment rentals in the Northern Virginia area. Because of our experience in both the sales and rental markets, we can help investors validate their proformas while ensuring accurate forecasted rental rates and other expenses in the model.
We offer turnkey solutions to real estate investors to help purchase and manage their investment. We work hard to find investment properties that fit your goals and ones that we can help you with as your property management partner. You can certainly manage the home yourself but we’re here to help with it all or just parts- whatever you need.
Here are some of the steps we take when helping investors
  1. Consultation and analysis – we work with investors to evaluate the current rental rates for a particular property. We review vacancy rates, current market conditions, improvements needed for the property and put together a proforma to evaluate whether to move forward. In addition, our ROI calculator helps investors play around with different options and different properties.
  2. Location advice – Location, location, location.. Very true as location is a big factor in a home’s value. Tenants are searching for proximity to public transportation or major commuter routes. They are looking for nearby amenities and maybe school systems. Because we have a good pulse on the Northern Virginia rental market and sales market, we can help identify great areas for rentals and offer advice on where to focus.
  3. Vendor connections – a rental home you choose is likely going to need some sort of work whether it’s just light cosmetic or a major renovation. We have vetted excellent contractors over the years and they are all licensed and insured. We will connect you with the vendors you need to make whatever project go smoothly. We also have strong relationships with other professionals an investor needs – insurance people, attorneys and accountants.
  4. Dedicated Leasing consultant and Dedicated Property Manager – Your leasing consultant and your property manager are your points of contact during the leasing period and then the management after it has been rented.



Deep & Sons Realty, LLC.